A study examined the available research evidence on drug interventions in Scotland in terms of effectiveness and costs. Evidence on treatment outcomes suggested that the benefit-cost ratio for structured interventions made such intervention cost-effective.
Source: Margaret Malloch, Interventions for Drug Users in the Criminal Justice System: Scottish Review, Research Report 5/2011, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Nov
A new book examined the strategic and policy responses to illicit drug use in Britain since the mid-1980s.
Source: Richard Huggins, Dealing with Drugs: Strategy, policy and practice, Willan Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Aug
An article examined the effect of alcohol on adolescent violence using survey data from 30 European countries. Drinking had a strong effect on adolescent violence in Nordic and eastern European countries, but had little or no effect in Mediterranean countries.
Source: Richard Felson, Jukka Savolainen, Thoroddur Bjarnason, Amy Anderson, and Tusty Zohra, 'The cultural context of adolescent drinking and violence in 30 European countries', Criminology, Volume 49 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Aug
A think-tank report said that the coalition government's drugs recovery policy – based on payment by results – would only work if: the importance of abstinence-based rehabilitation were recognized, and if bids from small-scale rehabilitation operators were sought; there were one simple measure of success – that of 6 months' abstinence from drugs; and doctors, pharmacists, and drug workers shared in the rewards of getting addicts drugs-free.
Source: Kathy Gyngell, Breaking the Habit: Why the state should stop dealing drugs and start doing rehab, Centre for Policy Studies
Links: Report | CPS press release | DrugScope press release | BBC report
Date: 2011-Jun
A report said that the continual emergence of new psychoactive substances ('legal highs') presented a major challenge to public health and public order: and it also called into question the ability of traditional approaches to drug control to keep pace with change.
Source: Jonathan Birdwell, Jake Chapman, and Nicola Singleton, Taking Drugs Seriously: A Demos and UK Drug Policy Commission report on legal highs, Demos/UK Drug Policy Commission
Links: Report | Background paper | UKDPC press release | Guardian report
Date: 2011-May
A study found that a specialist family drug and alcohol court had been successful in improving outcomes for children by tackling the substance misuse of parents at an early stage of care proceedings.
Source: Judith Harwin et al., The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) Evaluation Project: Final Report, Brunel University
Links: Report | Summary | Nuffield Foundation press release | Community Care report
Date: 2011-May
The government said that it had decided to reject the recommendation of an independent review, and of a committee of MPs, to lower the drink-drive limit.
Source: The Government's Response to the Reports by Sir Peter North CBE QC and the Transport Select Committee on Drink and Drug Driving, Cm 8050, Department for Transport, TSO
Links: Response | DT press release | Hansard | Living Streets press release | Telegraph report
Notes: MPs report (December 2010)
Date: 2011-Mar
An official advisory body began consultation on proposed new guidelines for judges and magistrates for the sentencing of drugs offenders. It proposed tougher sentences for those running large-scale smuggling and supply operations.
Source: Drug Offences Guideline: Public Consultation, Sentencing Council
Links: Consultation document | Sentencing Council press release
Date: 2011-Mar
Three articles examined the impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on alcohol-related crime/disorder and harm to health.
Source: Andrew Newton, 'The Licensing Act 2003, five years on: taking stock and stumbling into the future', Safer Communities, Volume 10 Number 1 | Stuart Kirby and Laura Hewitt, 'The impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on drinking habits, offences of crime and disorder, and policing in England's newest city', Safer Communities, Volume 10 Number 1 | Rick Brown and Emily Evans, 'Four years after the Licensing Act 2003: a case study of Hartlepool town centre', Safer Communities, Volume 10 Number 1
Links: Abstract (1) | Abstract (2) | Abstract (3)
Date: 2011-Feb
An article examined the outcome of a project that involved screening detainees in a police custody suite for alcohol use/abuse.
Source: Adrian Barton, 'Screening and brief intervention of detainees for alcohol use: a social crime prevention approach to combating alcohol-related crime?', Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 50 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Feb
An article examined experiences of drug-user involvement in service provision in Europe, highlighting the potential pitfalls of such a strategy.
Source: Caroline Chatwin, 'User involvement in the illegal drugs field: what can Britain learn from European experiences?', Safer Communities, Volume 9 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan
Researchers examined the outcome of a dedicated drug courts pilot scheme. Offenders reported that the structure provided through the court, and the setting of goals related to reducing drug use, were helpful. Engaging with the court and seeing gradual improvements in their lives helped offender confidence and self-esteem.
Source: Jane Kerr et al., The Dedicated Drug Courts Pilot Evaluation Process Study, Research Report 1/11, Ministry of Justice
Links: Report | MOJ press release
Notes: Six dedicated drug courts were introduced in magistrates' courts in England and Wales from 2004, specializing in dealing with offenders who misused drugs.
Date: 2011-Jan
An article examined prospects for the harmonization of European drug policy.
Source: Caroline Chatwin, 'Have recent evolutions in European governance brought harmonisation in the field of illicit drugs any closer?', Drugs and Alcohol Today, Volume 10 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan
An article examined the association between childhood physical/sexual abuse and illicit drug use in later life. There was 'tentative support' for some degree of association. The authors highlighted the difficulties involved in drawing conclusions due to the complex and multifaceted nature of drug use, and the variability in the quality of the research available in this area.
Source: Sophia Butt, Shihning Chou, and Kevin Browne, 'A rapid systematic review on the association between childhood physical and sexual abuse and illicit drug use among males', Child Abuse Review, Volume 20 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan
An article examined the relationship between the media and the government on drugs issues. Science was 'trumped' by fears stoked by the media.
Source: Jon Silverman, 'Addicted to distortion: the media and UK drugs policy', Safer Communities, Volume 9 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan
The new government announced (following a research review) that it intended to introduce a ban (in England and Wales) on sales of alcohol at a price that was below the rate of duty plus value added tax (VAT). It described the proposed measure as the 'best starting point' for tackling the availability of cheap alcohol.
Source: Written Ministerial Statement 18 January 2011, column 34WS, House of Commons Hansard, TSO | The Likely Impacts of Increasing Alcohol Price: A summary review of the evidence base, Home Office | Priscillia Hunt, Lila Rabinovich, and Ben Baumberg, Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Alcohol Pricing Policy Options in the UK, Home Office | Andrew Booth, Petra Meier, Joanna Shapland, Ruth Wong, and Suzy Paisley, Alcohol Pricing and Criminal Harm: A rapid evidence assessment of the published research literature, Home Office | Jacqui Banerjee, Jackie Squires, and Tanya Parkinson, Public Perceptions of Alcohol Pricing, Home Office
Links: Hansard | Home Office press release | Evidence summary | Report (1) | Report (2) | Report (3) | Addaction press release | RCN press release | RCP press release | BBC report | Morning Star report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Jan